Welcome to the Leeds School Managers Forum.
We have developed this group to help school managers, in the Leeds area, share best practice and support each other with the day to day activities and responsibilities of the role.
LSMF was born in response to our clients and contacts raising the need for such a group. As we work closely with schools and multi-academy trusts throughout Leeds and West Yorkshire, we felt it would be a great way for us to help our schools and feed back into education, something we are all very passionate about.
So, who are we? FusionHR are education HR specialists, supporting over 250 schools across the UK but predominantly in Yorkshire. We are passionate about helping schools to develop, to improve effectiveness and efficiency and to achieve their objectives. This forum reflects our values and passions, providing a platform to support managers across Leeds and to improve practices wherever possible.
While FusionHR administer the forum and provide the platform, the forum itself is independent and impartial supported by a group of super users who are all school managers and assist us with development and contribution. Our aim is also to provide regular meetings and an annual conference where we can present members with key useful and relevant information for their role as school leaders. The forum also offers a platform to advertise jobs in schools free of charge.
We have worked closely with the Department of Education and other School Manager Groups to ensure we are offering an independent platform that will support school business managers, finance leaders and school leadership teams across the Leeds area. We are supporters of the ISBL and other school manager groups across the UK.
If you have any questions or would like to join LSMF, please click on the Contact Us page. We would love to hear from you.